That’s right, another year and another round of Tech Field Day events and this year I am lucky enough to be heading back over again to the US for the title event – Tech Field Day 18! This month, TFD is landing in Austin, Texas running for two days (7-8 Feb). There are 12 individual delegates from around the world flying in for this event. They will be travelling around to visit 4 different vendors to learn, discuss and publish content about certain technologies that are either currently on the market or soon to be released.
This is a great opportunity for the vendors to be able to get real world feedback from those who implement/manage various technologies in many different environments. This is also a chance for companies to get into the grains of their product and do technical deep dives without the marketing behind it. Tech Field Day is all about the tech.
We will hear from Datera, NetApp, Solarwinds and VMware. Each session will be live streamed on Facebook and on the Tech Field Day site. You can also follow the live feed on twitter by following the #TFD18 tag – you can also ask your own questions as well đŸ™‚ .
For more information about the event or about Tech Field Day and GestaltIT, head over to the website and check out the links!